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Paganism has changed its coat many times through the years.
Satan is the author of paganism and, we are told and warned, is even able to appear as an angel of light. And so paganism can also appear as light and deliver a form of confidence and a principle of false righteousness.


Paganism paraded as religion
Cloaked itself in rituals
Now flaunts in modern idolatry
No more wooden idols
But countless icons and athletes
No more lifeless objects
But plenty of musicians and actors
No more false preachers
But an overload of motivators and philosophers
No more fortune tellers
But many politicians and much fiction
No more false prophets
But a plethora of lawyers.
Paganism has evolved but man has not.

Modern acronyms for PAGAn:

practiseS AgainsT God Are negative

promotinG AlarminG GodlessnesS AmonG neighbours

propagatinG AimlesS Gossip Around neighbourhood

playinG AnnoyinG GameS And noisily

proud ArroganT Gay A nobody

passinG AsseT GainS AS necessary

pompouS ArrestinG Garb AbettinG nonsense

Paganism is acting against the will of God by setting all manner of pastimes and even professions in more important and prestigious rank than the obeying and doing of His commandments.

Paganism is habitually breaking or ignoring the commandments of God by doing whatever suits your fancy. That is what it was in days of old and that is what it is today.

2016 Jacques Gauvin

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