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Introduction To Christianity

Hi, my name is Jacques Gauvin.

I'm fed up with mainstream media. I rarely watch it anymore. I'm disappointed with mainstream Christianity. I don't read their material. I'm tired of fake news and fake religion. They are destroying our society, our culture our life.

Government and law, which seems like lawlessness, are also tearing us apart. Politics grinds away at a person.

I think you can identify with these things. How are you doing?

We all have to live in this world and find a way to cope. My message is one of hope and help in making sense of this world and this life. You don't have to be the object of oppressors and their oppression. In your heart and in your mind you can be set free, though your body might suffer.

My message is true Christianity, God's religion, the religion of the Bible, which is the Word of God. Stand up for what is right and hold fast to your right.

True Christianity is not only taking care of widows and orphans, as the Bible states, it is also learning all other aspects and practices of a godly way of life as described in considerable and sufficient detail in the Bible.

The goal of a Christian is to overcome this world, as Christ overcame this world, and to attain eternal life with Jesus and His Father in the Kingdom of God.

Jesus became the door to God's Kingdom, when He came to earth to offer His life as ransom for each and every one of our sinful lives by paying our Spiritual God's penalty of death for the forgiveness of sin.

Without the shedding of our Creator Jesus' blood there would be no forgiveness of sin and we would be doomed for eternal death, death being the absence of any knowledge or awareness.

The Spirit world rules.

Jesus having been a co-Creator with His Father before He emptied Himself and became a mortal man qualified as a perfect and sinless sacrifice acceptable to God the Father as payment in full for all those willing to accept Him, Jesus, as Lord and Saviour. He paid the penalty for sin once and for all.

The evidence is clear and getting clearer, Satan is the god of this world, temporarily. He rules over liars and deceivers. He rules over mainstream media, religion and politics in ever increasing and imposing measures.

Our time is running out. Some have already lost or ended their lives. A great tribulation will soon fall on mankind coupled with the heavy burden of a man of perdition. Perdition means eternal death or damnation.

There is a way to get out of this world alive, to attain salvation. It is through Jesus Christ the only begotten Son of God, the first to be resurrected onto eternal life. He will be our King and High Priest in His eternal Kingdom.

In order to do that you must repent, which means to change your ways, be baptised into His family and live the rest of your life as a saint, a disciple and a convert.

A key to being able to do this is to read, study and meditate on the Bible and to live according to God's laws, precepts, commandments, statutes and ordinances, which basically means to adapt to His way of life. It demands your full attention and dedication. There is no other salvation.

As the Bible also explains it, God says "be holy for I am holy."

I may not look like a holy man to you and I'm not, not yet, but I'm working on it as you should be also. This is what makes me a saint, a disciple and a convert.

I'm not an ordained minister. I'm not an ordained elder or deacon. I'm a baptised and anointed layman, a member of God's church and as such I am a son of God.

I have been set free through Jesus and I take my freedom seriously.

I have a website, jacquesgauvin.com and several published books that you might find of interest as aids to knowledge, understanding and growth in your relationship with God and Jesus.

You are being called by God. Draw near to Him and He will draw near to you.

2020 Jacques Gauvin

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